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KI und Panopto – Strategien und Innovationen der Zukunft

29. Februar, 16:00 - 16:30

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Der CPO von Panopto, Uday Ghorpade, spricht über die Strategie von Panopto, die kommende Roadmap und den Plan, neue Werte und Innovationen für Kund*innen zu schaffen.

Die Videoplattform Panopto hat es sich zum Ziel erklärt, eine intelligente Wissensplattform zu werden. Welche 4 Kriterien für Panopto dazu gehören und wie KI sinnvoll eingesetzt werden kann, um dies zu realisieren, wird Ziel der Präsentation in englischer Sprache sein. Bereits geplante Schritte werden ebenfalls in die Präsentation einfließen.

Diese Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt. // This event will be held in English.


27. Februar 2024


Uday Ghorpade has over 20 years of experience building innovative, market leading SaaS products and solutions delivering double-digit growth and high net retention. Before joining Panopto, Uday spend over a decade building configurable and customizable analytics and HR / Finance / Payroll solutions for the K-12 market at PowerSchool and building media intelligence products and platforms at Meltwater. As a Group Vice President at PowerSchool, Uday led product strategy and go-to-market activities to deliver over 50% YoY growth for their analytics solution and 94%+ retention for analytics and HR / Finance / Payroll solutions with combined ARR over $90M. Uday successfully transformed Meltwater into a multi-product media intelligence platform company from a news monitoring product organization and grew the revenue from $45M to over $200M in over 4 years. Throughout his professional journey, Uday has been laser focused on building and growing the right team, introducing efficient tools and processes, and launching category leading products and platforms across multiple domains to deliver strong revenue growth and retention by the delighting customer.


29. Februar
16:00 - 16:30
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VCRP – Katharina Schell
0631 205 5021
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